The 4th Margate wishing lantern parade I have been involved in. It was sooooo cold and windy, had to relight quite a few on route. Luckily I was armed with my superdooper lighter. Freezing but fun!
Made these costumes for Animate for the National Friend Ship Project part of Canterbury Festival and these great pickies were taken by photographer/artist Carol Fouton.
Mandy Monroe and I with 'the pilot' alias Matt Spray wearing the amazing Memory Machine I made. I know I have a big grin on my face but honest I am pulling the string at the back that opens up the face!
I didn't realise how COMPLETLEY ridiculous I looked until I saw the photo! Never mind it was a great advert as over 20 kids made some awesome crowns! Including a forgein student who took the photo.
Three days to paint a mural for the festival with Rob Turner - the design was made up of children's drawings from Briary School - we received/overheard lots of comments while working - really encouraging. Loved the mermaids hair and the circular saw mouth of one of the sharks!
Three large human ships sailing from Ramsgate, Broadstairs & Margate to westwood X - a new shopping centre. 90 costumed kids, dancers, lotsof speed face painting & sunshine!