Thursday, August 05, 2004

Eye Opener

'Listen' was part of the Eye Opener exhibition at Gallery IOTA 2004, Ramsgate
Nature is trying to communicate with her, encouraging her to trust herself, be at peace with herself, the answers are all inside encased in a ball of silence.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Ramsgate Seafront Mural

Started in October 2003 with a local youth group, finally got finished in the summer of '04. Now proudly adornes the seafront. This was one of the boards done with a group from the Ramsgate school. I loved the colours, I used the stamping & masking tape technique which looks great close up and far away.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Again this pickie was taken in my 'garden' in Whistable, I was mesmerised at the beauty of the shapes and colours of the whole much so that it adorned my screen saver for over a year, the icons curving round the middle section. The image is simply called 'Beautiful'