Friday, August 02, 2013

Beast Wings - Wye

Helped 50 plus children & families make beast wings as part of the Conservation Volunteers Wild Wye Beast Day at Wye Nature Reserve 

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Medway Mile Medals

Helped young runners made their very own medals prior to their races:

Willow Sculptures made by Maggie & 200 children!

Large Willow sculpture made in two days with 200 young enthusiastic ladies. Loosely inspired by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth & Andy Goldsworthy:

Food Sculpture - Wye Food Festival

Food Sculpture fun with local families as part of the Wye Food Festival June 2013, generously funded by the Wye Childrens' Playing Field Charity and Wye Parish Council. A BIG thank you to The New Flying Horse for lending us such a beautiful venue!

Maggie's 2012

Its been another interesting year! Polystyrene cows, willow storytelling huts,murals, paper gardens, foraging courses to name but a few......roll on 2013!